Tuesday, February 22, 2011

.Net 4.0 New Features

1. Setting Meta Tags

Setting Meta Tags with the Page.MetaKeywords and Page.MetaDescription Properties
Two properties have been added to the Page class: MetaKeywords and MetaDescription. These two properties represent corresponding meta tags in the HTML rendered for a page, as shown in the following example:

Keywords="This is the default page" Description="This is the default page" in page or code file

These two properties work like the Title property does, and they can be set in the @ Page directive. For more information, see Page.MetaKeywords and Page.MetaDescription.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Copy To Clipboard

Just call below javascript in your code. it will copy div tag data to excel sheet

function copyToClipboard(){
var text = document.getElementById('copyDiv').innerHTML;
if (window.clipboardData.setData("TEXT", text)){
alert("switch to excel and click paste");
alert("Oops, that didn't work?");